AcuLife - Information 101

Living well isn’t only for people. AcuLife uses the same LifeWave innovations to support a healthy inflammatory response and promote relief from minor aches and pains in horses.

AcuLife - what does it do?

Short explanation by David Schmidt, Founder and CEO of LifeWave.

Placement of the patch

Instruction by David Schmidt, Founder and CEO of LifeWave.

Contact your medical rep / brand partner to place order

They will help you to get the pricing that suits you best:

– full customer retail price
– discount for subscription customer orders
– starter kits at wholesale pricing
– free sleeves based on order size

More information

In general, we advise all customers older than 40 years to include / add X39 (stem cell activation through GHK-Cu peptide elevation) patches to their orders.